Page 152 - VOL 8
P. 152
Emily Greenwood
‘’My aim is to produce visually stimulating silkscreen prints that intrigue the viewer and hopefully enable them to establish a
narrative for themselves. Although I do have my own reasons behind each work and know what it means for me, I do not
wish to give an obvious explanation for the work as I created it to remain ambiguous. I created the works as a series, and
with the intention of them being viewed as a sequence, although they can also be interpreted as individual images. My
work explores the notion of dreams and hallucinations, or scenarios that could represent either of these. This stems from a
fascination I have with listening to people’s interpretations and recollections of their own dreams, and the bizarre inner
workings of our subconscious. When we dream we have no control over what our minds choose to show us, and I like to play
with this vulnerability. As my work has changed and developed, I have built upon a ‘character’ as a way of creating a
protagonist which appears in nearly all the works, sometimes multiple times in the same print. This evokes ideas surrounding
doppelgangers, identity and ambiguity. I often work with vintage photographs/retro imagery, taking images from theatre,
cinema and the domestic setting, acting as a reference to memory and the past. I take inspiration from a variety of artists,
mainly photographers of the surrealist tradition such as Francesca Woodman, the film work of David Lynch and Louis
Bunuel, and the collage juxtapositions of Sigmar Polke. All of these artists work with narratives and play on ‘dream stories.’’’
152 Smoke & Mirrors - Silkscreen print, 56.5x75.4cm, 2014