Paul McCloskey

Visual Artist


Upcoming, Current, Recent and Past News
Acquisition by the OPW
2024 - 2025
Delighted to say that the OPW (office of public works) have purchased this painting 'Escape' - Acrylic On Canvas - 40X51 CM for the STATE ART COLLECTION while exhibited at my solo exhibition 'EARTHLY DELIGHTS' Realta, Waterford Healing Arts. Thank you OPW it's a wonderful honour to be a part of this important art collection.
Escape - Acrylic On Canvas - 40X51 CM 2024
Earthly Delights - new and recent works
Réalta, The National Body for Arts + Health in Ireland Centre for Arts + Health University Hospital Waterford
101 Contemporary artists and more....
Thank you to CoA for including me in their book '101 Contemporary Artists volume 8
The primary goal is to bring together emerging and contemporary artists, engage and establish creative cross-cultural experiences and raise awareness in the Art sector.
Earthly Delights - new and recent works
NOVEMBER 4th - JANUARY 5th 2025
Delighted to have my second solo Exhibition 4th November - 5th January 2025 - hosted by Réalta, The National Body for Arts + Health in Ireland Centre for Arts + Health University Hospital Waterford, curated by Aisling Kennedy project coordinator and curator.
Feature and Interview
Thank you CAO for this lovely feature and thoughtful interview.
The primary goal is to bring together emerging and contemporary artists, engage and establish creative cross-cultural experiences and raise awareness in the Art sector.
Acquisition by Realta
JANUARY 5th 2025
Delighted to have these two paintings purchased by 'Réalta, The National Body for Arts + Health ' for their stunning art collection.
'Search' and 'Dreamer' Acrylic on Canvas 30cm X 30cm, it's such an honour to be included in this stunning collection and to have them displayed in such a worthy venue.
Art Seen Magazine from
The Curator’s Salon
August 2024
Delighted to be featured in 'Art Seen Magazine from The Curator’s Salon' Autumn Edition 2024 - a leading curated contemporary art magazine featuring visual artists working around the world.
Interview with Jillian Godsil Dublin City FM
Very much enjoyed chatting with Jillian on Dublin City FM.
Jillian Godsil and Becci Harrison present Making a Difference - a radio show that interviews people and their projects who are making a difference to Dublin - and beyond. Some of their subjects are part of organisations, some are individuals but all have a passion to make a difference. Listen in to their eclectic mix of people from all walks of life talking about what makes them buzz.
Cairde Visual 2024
JULY 27th 2024
Delighted to have a painting selected for Cairde Visual 2024 (Open) - Saturday July 6th at Hamilton Gallery and will run Mon to Sat until Sat July 27th.
Meabhraíocht - Lessons from A Hedgerow
Laneway Gallery Cork
Feburary 2024
meabhraíocht, f. (gs. ~a). Consciousness, awareness; thought, intelligence.

Lessons from a hedgerow refers to the act of seeing in the present moment, the act of doing and being in the present moment, this present moment awareness opens us up to true inspiration and creation.

’The world is full of magic things patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper’ WB Yeats

The focus of this series aims to give an awareness of ‘a sense of place’, of ‘being’, this process is paramount in the making of the works as nothing can be created outside of the present moment, the key to connecting to our higher self.
Painters Tubes Magazine
May 2022
Delighted to Feature in 'Painters Tubes Magazine' 2022 - based on my new series WIP, Meabhraíocht - Lessons from A Hedgerow
Arts Council
Agility Award 2022
Delighted to receive an Agility Award 2022 from the Arts Council Ireland.
The purpose of the Agility Award is to enable artists and arts workers to do one or more of the following: • Develop practice • Develop work • Develop skills
Monaghan County Council
Artists Support Scheme 2022
MARCH 2022
Delighted to be the Recipient of Monaghan County Council Artist Support Scheme Award - Professional artists 2022 in support of my art practice.
Acquisition by Ulster Hospital
JULY 2021
Happy that two additional paintings from the ‘Hinterland Series’ have been purchased by the Ulster Hospital Belfast, for their art collection, to be added to their previous purchase from last year.
Sept' 2021 - 2022
Delighted to have participated in and completed an exchange correspondence with ‘Turps school of art' in London soon for 2021/22
Surface Gallery, Nottingham, UK
25th March – 9th April 2022
Great to be selected for this amazing gallery for Abstract 2022 - open - Surface Gallery, Nottingham, UK

Surface is an arts collective based on mutually supportive professional development.
A not-for-profit social enterprise that exists to support early and mid-career artists, largely through professional exhibitions and events, and also residencies. Volunteer-run, co-operative and contemporary, we provide an affordable space for artists to exhibit their work.

Artlinks Bursary Award
September 2022
Delighted to receive an 'Artlinks Bursary' form Wexford County Council in support of my art parctice.
Arts Council
Agility Award 2021
MARCH 2021
Delighted to receive an Agility Award 2021 from the Arts Council Ireland.
The purpose of the Agility Award is to enable artists and arts workers to do one or more of the following: • Develop practice • Develop work • Develop skills
Artlinks Study Bursary Award
August 2021
Delighted to receive an 'Artlinks Study Bursary' form Wexford County Council in support of my art parctice and to assist with the Turps School of Art, London fees.
ABSTRACTS [a] Cube Contemporary
Feb' - March' - 2021
Honoured to be selected for - [a] Cube Contemporary, Sofia, Bulgaria - Abstracts exhibition
June - July 2021
Delighted to be selected for this group exhibition in the Shrine Gallery , NYC , Group show - New York
Abstract Magazine
May 2020
Delighted to be featured in 'Painters Tubes Magazine' 2020 ABSTRACT edition
Art Talk Collective
October 2018
Thank you to Chase Dougherty for the feature and interview.
Art Talk Collective was created as a creative outlet by aspiring art historian, Chase Dougherty. Art Talk Collective was created to become a online resource of shared art experiences, reviews, news, and discussion.
1 Ft Square
Strule Arts Centre
2018 - 2019
Delighted to be selected for ‘1 FT SQ' - Strule Arts Centre, Omagh - for second year running.
Selector’s: Ciara Hambly / Hambly & Hambly Gallery Enniskillen. Paul McKenna / McKenna Gallery Omagh.
Jack and Jill Foundation
APRIL /MAY 2018-19
Delighted to participate in Incognito April/May 2019 - Solomon Gallery Dublin, Lavit Gallery Cork in support of the charity Jack and Jill Foundation.
MURZE Issue Six
June 2019
Delighted to be featured in MURZE contemporary art magazine.
Monaghan County Council
Artists Support Scheme 2019
MARCH 2019
Delighted to be the Recipient of Monaghan County Council Artist Support Scheme Award - Professional artists 2019 in support of my art practice.

ESCAPE - Dunamaise Arts Centre
2016 - 2019
Delighted to be selected for the exhibition ESCAPE - Dunamaise Arts Centre- for second year running.
Curated by Michelle de Forge with Guest Selector: Claire Behan. Artists - Cecilia Danell, Lelia Henry, Rosemary Langtry, Paul McCloskey, Maria O'Brien, Emily Rainsford, and Edward White.
Artmoire magazine
October 2019
Article and interview by the amazing Efrat Cybulkiewicz and Yuzbeny Escobar for Artmoire magazine -"ART IN PROCESS IS AN ACT OF SPIRIT OF RETURNING TO THE SELF"
Art Open Call - Ulster Hospital Phase B Developmen
Acquisition by Ulster Hospital
AUGUST 27th 2019
Thrilled to have a painting purchased from an Art Open Call - Ulster Hospital Phase B Development.
The Trust art selection panel met on 13th August 2019 to review the shortlisted artwork for the new Acute Services Block within the Ulster Hospital, Dundonald.
The panel give consideration to all aspects of the submissions while also being mindful of the services that will be provided within this new development.
Store Street, Gallery London
London Contemporary Art Prize
26th July 2018
Delighted to be one of 13 finalists selected for the, LONDON CONTEMPORARY ART PRIZE, exhibition next July 2018 in the Store Gallery London
Store Street, Gallery London
London Contemporary Art Prize
Prize Winner
26th July 2018
Paul McCloskey Wins Award at London Contemporary Art Prize
Delighted to have been awarded 2nd prize (Materials Bursary Award) at the 'London Contemporary Art' hosted at the Store Street, Gallery London
Gorey artist Paul McCloskey awarded 2nd prize in the prestigious ‘London Contemporary Art Prize’ Paul was presented with the ‘materials bursary award’ at the Store Street Gallery in London at a private viewing on Thursday 26th July. The judging panel consisted of gallery directors Lawson Bell, Andrew Stark and Terry Watts RBA from the royal society of British artists.
The Lea-Green Down
December 18th 2018
Proud to have my painting 'Man and Poet' adorn this new book of poems edited by Eileen Casey established and emerging poets respond to the works of Patrick Kavanagh. Irish Times Article below.
Francis Valloor Publications
March 2017 - 18
Honoured to have 4 of my Reloaded and Alpha paintings adorn 4 books by Francis Valloor.
GOMA Gallery of Modern Art
August/September 2017
Happy to participate in GOMA Gallery of Modern Art, Waterford, Annual Juried Group Exhibition.
A5 Magazine #4
July 2017
Happy to be included in this new visual art magazine of contemporary art. A5 Magazine, Portfolio #4
1340ART International Art Magazine Blog
May 2017
Thank you to 1304 Art, international visual art magazine for offering me this feature..
The Contemporary Art Review
Not Random Art
April 2017
Thank you to Contemporary Art Review for thef eature and interview with 'NotRandomArt'
Monaghan County Council
Artists Support Scheme 2017
MARCH 2017
Delighted to be the Recipient of Monaghan County Council Artist Support Scheme Award - Professional artists 2017 in support of my art practice.

Exhibition Finalist
East, West Art Award (Japan - Worldwide)
October 2016
2016 Finalist in the EWAA.....East, West Art Award (Japan - Worldwide) (International judges headed by Colin Wiggins, National Gallery, London) Finalists Exhibition at La Galleria, Pall Mall, London.
A Place Of Peace - Interview by Ben Fillik
November 2016
2016 Runner up for the Art Registry World grant.
Award...Article Published in ART NEWS, ARW FEATURED ARTIST and Featured Interview, FRONT Page BIG Slide Show.
OSTEN BIENNIAL of Drawing/works on paper
September 2016
Delighted to participate with five works on show at the OSTEN BIENNIAL of DRAWING/WORKS ON PAPER Skopje.
OSTEN BIENNIAL of Drawing/works on paper
SPECIAL AWARD by the International Jury
September 2016
Delighted to be the Recipient of the SPECIAL AWARD by the International Jury - (Patricia SCHNELL-GUETIERREZ - Artist (USA), Ursula BODE (Germany) - Journalist and art critic,Venceslav ANTONOV - curator (Bulgaria) on the OSTEN BIENNIAL of Drawing/works on paper. Skopje, Macedonia.
Honourable Mention
London International
Creative Competition
Delighted to receive an honourable mention @ LONDON INTERNATIONAL CREATIVE COMPETITION.
International Artists magazine
Abstract experimental art
August 2016
Delighted to be Shortlisted/finalist in Abstract/experimental art, featured in 'International Artists magazine'.
ART QA - New York - Vol 4
Feature & Interview
June 2016
Delighted to feature with an interview for the amazing ART QA Visual Art Magazine - New York - Vol 4 2016
Arts Illustrated
6th May 2015
Delighted to be Selected for feature and interview for Arts Illustrated visual arts magazine.
The Art Elephant TAE
July 2016
Delighted to feature in 'The Art Elephant' tae visual art magazine '3D Art In A Whole New Light by Chantelle Lamoreaux - Review/feature
Selected Art Reviews and Interviews - vol. 1
2014 - 2015
Thrilled to have my work reviewed so beautifully by the amazing Jonathan Raddatz in his new book 'EXHIBEO' - Selected Art Reviews and Interview.
It is about art, history and above all, about people.
Awarded Honourable award/feature
Artist Portfolio Magazine
November 2015
Delighted to be Awarded Honourable award/feature in Artist Portfolio magazine 5 year anniversary edition.
International group exhibit.
Contemporary Art Exhibition
13th July 2015
Huge thank you to 'SEE ME' for the special invite to exhibit in an international group exhibit in the Louvre, Paris on the 13th July 2015
October 2015
LONDON CALLING 015 - October 2015 - Delighted to be one of only thirty international artists selected to exhibit at Bargehouse, Oxo Tower Wharf, South Bank London this October. Selected jointly by 'LONDON CALLING 015' and 'ART NOW/ARTISTS FAIR LONDON'.
Art Centre San Vidal
August 2015
Delighted to be selected to participate in this International Exhibition of Contemporary Art - VENEZIA ’15 Grand’ Art, Gallery of the Art Centre San Vidal - Scoletta San Zaccaria, Venice, Italy.
The Divine Between Heaven and Earth
Review by Lisa Mikulski
May 2015
Delighted to be featured in 'DONTPOSTME' - a quarterly magazine about the latest trends in contemporary art - Curated by Azamat Akhmadbaev & Zulya Kumukova
Summer experimental issue.
The Alley Theatre/Arts Centre
6th - 31st July 2015
Delighted to have my THE OMEGA 3d'- Solo exhibition hosted in the beautiful Alley Theatre/Arts Centre, Strabane, Co. Tyrone.

‘The Omega (awakenings 3d)’ builds on my previous series ‘Awakenings (The Alpha)’ and ‘Awakenings Reloaded’ this is the third in the trilogy of the awakenings theme. They consist of a number of 15 cubes, a number of which are wall mounted and some of which allow the viewer a full 360-degree view of the works.
Also inspired by the landscape, what we perceive as everyday and perhaps ordinary, the places we merely glance at without allowing ourselves to get lost in the breathtaking creation and beauty that surrounds us. This visual influence is determined by the surrounding landscape of my environment, but its intention is primarily as a catalyst in expressing divinity and is therefore secondary to this expression, the primary purpose being process, allowing and presence.
The cubes question and challenge the staple of painting being confined to the two-dimensional surface, pushing the boundaries into the third dimension. The cubes suggesting the dichotomy of spirit, being all things in all directions at once and is also a more literal translation of the work of post-impressionist painter Cezanne and the subsequent Cubist movement, however the painted surfaces of my work has more in common with the Romantic philosophy , in particular that of Turner.
The State of Art
Sculpture & 3D
June 2015
Delighted to be Selected to be featured in ‘THE STATE OF ART’ Art Book (Bare Hill Publishing, UK) 'SCULPTURE & 3D.
A snapshot of current contemporary art practice, 135 artworks from 31 sculptors and 3D artists in this anthology of new and established sculptors and 3D artists.
Art Reveal
visual arts magazine
August 2015
Delighted to be selected for a feature and interview for 'Art Reveal' visual arts magazine issue 8.
The State of Art
Landscape & Portrait
June 2015
Delighted to be Selected for a feature in ‘THE STATE OF ART’ Art Book (Bare Hill Publishing, UK) ‘LANDSCAPE AND PORTRAIT’
A snapshot of current contemporary art practice, 182 artworks from 41 landscape and portrait artists in this anthology of new and established artists. This is the sixth book in The State of Art, art book series and explores some of the more traditional subjects and techniques that artists are seeking to represent.
Competition Winner
I Paint Therefore I Am
Prize Winner
December 2014
Thrilled to win the 'I Paint Therefore I Am’ - Gallery For Me art competition, New York.
2013 2nd Place
2014 Award Of Excellence
Four Points Contemporary
International visual art award
2013 - 2014
Four Points Contemporary, International visual art award-1st Bi-annual – juried - Mark Roden and Joana Esteves (JoMar Visions) (2nd place) (’13)

Four Points Contemporary, International visual art award - 2nd Bi-annual- Award of Excellence (’14) Juried - Reginald Charles Adams, Co-founder Museum of Cultural Arts, Houston (MOCAH)

Exhibition Award
Urban Riche Gallery
Spectrum Exhibition
March 15th 2015
Urban Riche Gallery: Spectrum Exhibition - finalist
Finalist at Spectrum Exhibition/Competition: Paul McCloskey "The Omega: At Last My Thoughts Lay Silent" Online gallery bringing you exhibitions featuring artists pushing the boundaries | The best emerging/mid-career artists
Light Space and Time
Special Merit
June 2014
'Abstracts' - Light, Space and Time, International Art Competition, Special Merit Award ('14)
Featured Artist
Re< >Dux'
International Arts Magazine
September 2014
Great to be featured (September 2014 featured artist) in 'Re< >Dux' International Arts Magazine
EXHIBEO art magazine
May 2014
Delighted to be a prize winner in the EXHIBEO art magazine competition, 'Landscapes in motion'
Thank you to Jonathan Raddatz for the beautifully written review of my RELOADED series.
Ireland Of The Welcomes
March/ April 2014
Good to have some of my Kavanagh portraits included in Ireland of The Welcomes magazine – vol 63 No 2
Exhibition Open Submission
Signal Art Center
6th - 17th August 2014
Good to participate in this years 'Signal Open' Exhibition, Signal Arts Centre, Bray, Co. Wicklow. A small and interesting venue.
Little Kingdoms
September 2014
Happy to participate in this exhibition ‘Little Kingdoms’@ Catalyst Arts Gallery, Belfast
Lovely space with a great and welcoming bunch of people.
Art Prize
international visual art
Showcase winner
October 2014
Thrilled to be awarded, ARTslant - 2014 - 4th international visual art (mixed media) Showcase winner. (Juried -Joanna Szupinska-Myers, Curator of Exhibitions at the California Museum of Photography - Sebastian Campos, Principal, THE MISSION, Chicago | Houston - Anca Rujoi, Curator, CCA - Centre for Contemporary Art, Singapore.
Creative Quarterly 35
Fine Art Professional
September 2014
Thrilled to be awarded by Creative Quarterly 35, The Journal of Art & Design, New York - Fine Art Professional - winner
3 special recognition awards
Upstream Gallery
March 2013
15th Annual Abstraction Juried International Art Exhibition” Upstream Gallery, Omaha, (3 special recognition awards)

Paul McCloskey of Gorey, County Wexford, Ireland, presents several (5) strong oil paintings. Of particular note is "Awakenings Reloaded Blue Gold" (special recognition award) wherein the contrast of open space with a concentration of painterly quality is visually delicious. This effect is also powerful in "Awakenings Reloaded with Violet"(special recognition award). Moreover, his three-dimensional work THE OMEGA - 'At last my thoughts lay silent' (special recognition award) is quite rich.

Juror - Laurence Bradshaw, Curator, Professor of Art and Art history at the University of Nebraska.
Visual Art Magazine
May 2014
Delighted to be featured in 'DONTPOSTME' - a quarterly magazine about the latest trends in contemporary art - Curated by Azamat Akhmadbaev & Zulya Kumukova
Summer experimental issue.
London Irish Centre
Ireland in our eyes
2013 - September 19th - 23rd October
Happy to participate in this exhibition ‘Ireland in our eyes’ (Urbankelt), London Irish Centre, Camden Sq., London.
3rd Splash Art Festival
La Cathedral Studios
Back Loft
November 9th 2011 & 13
Happy to participate in the exciting 1st and '3rd Splash Art Festival' Back Loft, La Cathedral Studios, Dublin.
Diploma of Excellence
MAB3 | Media 3
Art Biennial
June 2014
Thank you to MAB3 | Media 3. Art Biennial - London - Diploma of Excellence (Honourable Award)
Visual Art Magazine
March 2014
Lovely interview in LandEscape visual arts magazine.
Our net review presents a selection of artists whose works shows the invisible connection betwen inner landscapes and actual places.
Apart from stylistic differences and individual approaches to the art process, all of them share the vision that art is a slice of the world to
be shared.
Art Percent Scheme
Monaghan County Council
Art Collection Acquisition
June - August - 2013
Huge thank you to the Market House Arts Center and Monaghan County Council for purchasing the Awakenings Reloaded series. This series has been acquired by Monaghan County Council, under the arts council percent for art scheme (Fire station)
It's such an honour to have my work represented in my home county.
Awakenings Reloaded
Market House Arts Centre
June - August - 2013
Huge thank you to the Market House Arts Center for hosting 'Awakenings Reloaded' (solo Exhibition) the Market house Arts Centre/Gallery in Monaghan town from 13th June until 5th August 2013. Thank you to Monaghan Arts Centre, County Council and the Irish Arts Council. ‘Awakenings Reloaded’ is the second in the series of a developing trilogy, building on 'Awakenings (The Alpha)’ series.
The Story of the Creative
New York
July 25th - Sept' 10th - 2013
Delighted to accept the invitation to exhibit in‘The Story of the Creative’, (invited artist) See | Exhibition space, 26-19 Jackson Ave. Long Island City, NY 11101 New York.
International Exhibition Of Contemporary Art
Centro Storico
Venice, Italy
August 2013
Happy to participate in the exciting 'Clouds' - International Exhibition Of Contemporary Art, Centro Storico/The Palazzo Ca' Zanardi, Venice, Italy.
Publication Review Competition
Fawn Review
by Siobhan Fenton
September 14th 2013
Thrilled to have won the Fawn Review visual art competition, thank you to Siobhan for her very interesting perspective of my work.
Fawn review is an online magazine that aims to bring you the best art you’ve never seen before.
Founded in 2012, Fawn Review has an international readership of 10,000 visitors a month.
Fawn Review is edited by Siobhan Fenton, an Arts Trustee and English Literature student at Oxford University.
Charity Auction Exhibition
Scoop Foundation
Happy to donate paintings on three occasions for auction to raise funding for this worthy cause.
Providing support, education and training opportunities to displaced young people at home and abroad.
THE SCOOP Contemporary art exhibition hosted by Mealy's Auction house and Centre for Creative Practices.
Publication Review Interview
Road To Enlightenment
April 2012
Huge thank you to Michele Andree Lemieux for the thoughtful feature and interview, in her MICHELE ANDREE
UNBLUGGED which looks at music in particular jazz and the stories behind visual artists.
Publication Review Interview
Visual Arts Magazine
Feburary 2012
Huge thank you to Maia Sylba for the thoughtful feature and interview.
MUSETOUCH is a magazine about visual arts. It has been created by Maia Sylba out of love and passion for art with the hope that people will be able to use the publication and website as a platform to showcase their skills and gain recognition. It is founded in 2010 with the mission to promote visual artists worldwide, both prominent professionals and talented amateurs yet to be discovered.
Open Submission Exhibition Of Contemporary Art
Pink Pink Pink
Mad Art gallery and Studios
July 2011
Happy to participate in 'Pink Pink Pink' - Mad Art gallery and Studios-Dublin- Open submission
MadArt Gallery is an independent exhibition space in central Dublin. Very convenient location (close to the LUAS and Connolly DART station) makes it an ideal place for any art event. More than 60m2, divided into two rooms with high ceilings and victorian windows makes a perfect creative environment.
Solo Exhibition
Masters Showcase
De Montfort University
September 2011
Delighted to showcase my MFA Solo exhibition at the amazing De Montfort University.

'Masters Exhibition' - De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. (Solo show)De Montfort University is one of the leading universities for art and design in the UK. Students are offered an amazing range of more than 20 different subject areas, excellent studios and workshops and high quality teaching.

Open Submission Exhibition Of Contemporary Art
Hive Gallery and Studios
August 2011
Happy to participate in this exhibition 'Harvest' – Hive Gallery and Studios – Waterford – Open Submission
Hive Studios is located at the cultural centre of Waterford city, beside House of Waterford Crystal, Bishop's Palace and the Theatre Royal. It is the product of an initiative by the Waterford City Council to collaborate with artists in transforming council owned derelict buildings into facilities for the arts.
Upstairs Gallery
Happy to participate in annongoing Group Show - Art Upstairs - Rosslare. Curated by Denis Collins.
Salon Exhibition
Montserrat Gallery of Contemporary Art
New York.
Delighted to exhibit at the Salon Exhibition - Montserrat Gallery of Contemporary Art - New York.
We have been dedicated to the service of Contemporary Art with a physical location in SoHo, New York, since 1989. In 2005 we moved from SoHo to Chelsea, New York.​ Our mission is to promote artistic excellence. We focus in showing mid-career artists, helping them in the development of their career.
Group Exhibition
Gilmore Gallery
May 2009
Delighted to exhibit here, Gallery Show – Henry Gilmore Gallery - Belfast.
Holywood's Premier Art Gallery is pleased to bring you an unrivalled selection of Contemporary and Traditional Irish, British & International Art.
Publication Independent
Review Of Awakening
David Looby
Novemmber 1st 2006
Stunning review by David Looby of my solo exhibition curated by Denis Collins in his new gallery Art Upstairs Gallery, Wexford for the Wexford Opera Festival.
Publication Review
Gallery & Studio
Visual Arts Magazine NY
January 2007/08
Stunning review by Maureen Flynn (Art Critic for Gallery and Studio Magazine New York.Vol.10-No.2)
From my Salon Exhibition at the Montserrat Gallery of Contemporary Art - New York. 2007/08

Opera Festival Solo Exhibition
Art upstairs Gallery
Awakenings (The Alpha)
October 2006
Huge thank you to Denis Collins for hosting my solo exhibition during the Wexford Opera Festival "Awakenings (The Alpha)" - Art upstairs Gallery - Wexford festival opera (Solo Show)
Thank you to David Looby for the wonderful review of the show. See link below.
Exhibition Open Submission
Clifden art gallery
May 2006
Good to participate in this Summer group show - Clifden art gallery Galway, small intimate space with some amazing artwork.
OSB Gallery
July/December 2005
Happy to participate in this exhibition Christmas & Summer Show" - OSB Gallery Enniskerry
Lovely space with a great and welcoming bunch of people.
Kennedy Gallery
June 2005
Glad to participate in this exhibition “Summer show” - Kennedy Gallery Dublin. Lovely welcoming space.
Invited Artist
East Meets West
May 2003
Good to be invited to participate in this group show - "East meets West" Carrickmacross Co. Monaghan, a beautifully curated exhibition of painting.
Open Submission
Carlow arts festival
2002 & 2004
Glat to be selected for the "Eigse Open' in 2002 and 2004 - Carlow arts festival. Stunning exhibition of contemporary art.
Taylor Gallery
Summer Group Show 2001
Glad to participate in this exhibition “Summer Group Show" - Taylor Gallery Belfast. A great space with some great and enthuastic collectors.
Invited Artist
June/July 2001
Good to be invited to participate in this group show "CELTIC CONNECTIONS" - (The Arts Council Ireland.) (A Welsh/ Irish exchange exhibition of four short listed Wexford based artists) Fishguard Wales.
2 Person Exhibition
Scenes before the eye
Agora Gallery
New York
May/June 2001
Very excited to have been given the oppertunity to exhibit here, "Scenes before the eye" an exhibition of contemporary painting @ Agora Gallery (2 person show) Broadway, Manhattan, New York.
(Invited Artist) (2 person show).
Wexford Arts Centre
Opera Festival Exhibition
October 2001
Honoured to accept the invitation to participate in Wexford Opera Festival" exhibition - Wexford Arts Centre (2 person show). Beautifully curated by artistic directoe Denis Collins.
Civic Centre Carrickmacross
"Comhairle Bhaile Cheanntair" acquisition civic centre Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan.

Huge thank you to the Civic Centre Carrickmacross for the purchase of Man and Poet for their art collection. It's such an honour to have my work represented in my home town.
Solo Exhibition
Round About
Gorey Summer Fair
August 1999
Delighted to hold a solo exhibition of new works in the Masonic Lodge Gorey as sponsored as part of Gorey Summer Fair. Huge thank you to all the support from everyone contributing to the huge success of this exhibition.
Open Submission Exhibition
Wexford Arts Centre
Annual Lions Club Exhibition
1997 - 2000
Happy to have participated in this annual exhibition for the past three years 1997 - 2000 - “Lions Club exhibition “(Arts Centre Wexford)
Solo Exhibition
Woodlands Art Gallery
2 Person Exhibition
December 1995
Thrilled to participate in this exhibition in the stunning Woodlands Art Galley, Gorey. Many thanks to all for your support.
"Christmas show" (2 person show) Woodland arts and crafts gallery Gorey
Solo Exhibition
Wexford Arts Centre
Opera Festival Exhibition
October 1996
Opera festival show” Wexford Arts Centre- Solo Exhibition-(Sponsored by Guinness Ireland and The Arts council Ireland)
Delighted to hold a solo exhibition of new works Wexford Arts Centre as part of the Wexford Opera Festival. Thank you to all the support from everyone contributing to the huge success of this exhibition.
Painting Prize Winner
Lions club, Arts Council Ireland and Wexford Arts Centre (Solo Show)
Wexford Arts Centre
Award winners exhibition
Thank you to Wexford Arts Centre and Lions Club for awarding the painting prize to me resulting in this solo exhibition. Huge thank you all for your support.
More Info'

Full CV.........Here
Selected Bibliography.......Here

Full CV